Bioinformatics Journals

List of Bioinforrmatics, Functional Genomics, and Related Journals

  1. Artificial Intelligence

  2. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

  3. Bioinformatics

  4. Bioinform Newsletter

  5. BMC Bioinformatics

  6. BMC Genomics

  7. BMC Medical Genomics

  8. BMC Systems Biology

  9. Briefings in Bioinformatics

  10. ChemBioChem

  11. Current Biology

  12. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

  13. Current Opinions in Structural Biology

  14. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

  15. Drug Discovery Today

  16. EMBO Journal

  17. Genome Biology

  18. Genome Research

  19. Human Genome News

  20. In Silico Biology

  21. Journal of Biomedical Informatics

  22. Journal of Biomedical Science

  23. Journal of Computational Biology

  24. Journal of Machine Learning Research

  25. Journal of Molecular Biology

  26. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling

  27. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology

  28. Journal of Molecular Modelling

  29. Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics

  30. Machine Learning

  31. Metabolic Engineering

  32. Nature

  33. Nature Biotechnology

  34. Nature Cell Biology

  35. Nature Genetics

  36. Nature Molecular Cell Biology

  37. Nature Molecular Systems Biology

  38. Nucleic Acids Research

  39. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology

  40. Online Journal of Bioinformatics (OJB)

  41. Physiological Genomics

  42. PLoS Biology

  43. PLoS Computational Biology

  44. PLoS Genetics

  45. PLoS One

  46. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  47. Proteomics

  48. Protein Engineering

  49. Protein Science

  50. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics

  51. PSB On-Line Proceedings

  52. Science

  53. The Scientist

  54. Structure

  55. Trends in Biochemical Sciences

  56. Trends in Biotechnology

  57. Trends in Genetics

  58. Trends in Molecular Medicine

  59. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences


Page last updated on May 28, 2009